Photo credit: Mike Graeme 

kʷu sn̓ʕay̓čkstx (we are Sinixt) pútiʔ kʷu aláʔ (we are still here)

We are a transboundary Indigenous Tribe in the United States and an Aboriginal People of Canada. We have rights in both countries.

Photo of Sinixt woman
Photo of the Sinixt team in Ottawa.
Photo of Sinixt filmmaker Derrick J. LaMere
Photo of Sinixt men with big drum.
Photo of two Sinixt young women
Photo of Sinixt people lifting the canoe at the annual canoe journey in Kettle Falls, WA
Welcome to our homeland, the land and water of the upper Columbia River watershed: from Kettle Falls, WA, to the “Big Bend” north of Revelstoke BC, in the beautiful Monashee, Selkirk and Purcell mountains, west of the Rockies.

News & Announcements

Sinixt Statement in Response to False and Revisionist Syilx Okanagan Nation Representation and Title Claims

In a landmark decision for reconciliation and justice, the Supreme Court of Canada affirmed in the 2021 Desautel case that the Sinixt are an Aboriginal People of Canada. They did not say that we are represented by any other organizations in Canada—the decision reaffirmed our unique identity and underscored the importance of addressing the historical wrongs that severed our ties to our homeland.

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Sinixt Statement on ONA Public Relations Campaign

The Sinixt Confederacy and the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation (CTCR) are aware of the recent campaign launched by the Okanagan Nation Alliance (ONA) to assert claims over Sinixt territory based on the false assertion that the Sinixt are part of a larger Sylix Okanagan Nation.

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